New! New! New! Students!

***For parent/guardian(s) who are completely new to McNairy County Schools
To use online registration, parent/guardian needs:
1. Internet connected device
2. Active email address- If you need to create an email address, there are several free email services available (,, and many more)
3. Copies of these required documents: Student's Birth Certificate, Tennessee Immunization Record, Proof of Medical Physical Examination, and Proof of Address (these may be uploaded electronically through online registration or delivered physically to your school)
On any browser visit and click on the click on Parent Community at the top right of the screen then click on ParentVue Login. The site will guide you through the process and there will be a button to download detailed instructions. This is a short overview of the process.
1. You will create a new Synergy ParentVue account and will receive an activation email.
2. Open the activation email to complete your account setup.
3. Login with your new account and begin the registration process.